How Long Does Drug Withdrawal Last?

Drug withdrawals are a life-threatening and painful condition that keeps addicts from seeking the help they need to be sober. 

The agonizing cravings and negative side effects may prompt many struggling addicts to wonder—how long can drug withdrawal last?

Let’s take a look into the effects of withdrawals and how long an addict can expect to struggle with them.

What’s a Drug Withdrawal?

Withdrawals are symptoms of being physically dependent on a drug. In other words, your body has developed a chemical dependency on the substance.

Chemical dependency worsens with time, as the body builds dependence on these substances.

Withdrawals can make recovery very challenging, as they can be life-threatening and scary. During withdrawals an addict might also experience a high degree of cravings that they are not able to manage, prompting them to relapse.

This vicious cycle builds more tolerance and worsens the problem over time.

For a safe and effective withdrawal process, it is important to seek professional help if you suffer from drug addiction.

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

The symptoms of drug withdrawals vary from drug to drug. While no drug will have the same withdrawal experience, some symptoms are shared across the board.

Some drugs might also have more serious and stronger withdrawal symptoms. For example, a marijuana withdrawal will be much milder than what you could expect from an opioid withdrawal. Nevertheless, all withdrawals should be threatened equally, as all addicts will struggle.

Some symptoms shared across the board include:

Rebound effects

This is the type of symptom the drug is intended to treat. The symptoms become more intense when you stop using the drug. 

For example, since opiates numb pain, the pain could return in full force once the opiates leave the body.

Decreased tolerance

When a drug is withdrawn, tolerance decreases rapidly. Having a reduced tolerance can cause you to overdose if you relapse or take the drug again as you will need much more of the drug to get you back to your previous state.


Depression is a common occurrence across all forms of substance abuse. The depletion of dopamine and damage to pain and pleasure receptors in the brain causes users to go down a road of negative and low emotions—usually ending in depression.

Extreme Cravings

Once the drugs are cleared from the system, the dependence will generate strong cravings. 

Seizures or Tremors

These are some of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms they also include changes to the autonomic nervous system such as:

  • Heartbeat problems
  • Breathing issues
  • Blood circulation problems

How Long Can Drug Withdrawal Last

There is no one set rule as to how long drug withdrawal can last. The duration of drug withdrawal can vary considerably depending on the type of drug abused and the frequency by which it was consumed.

For example, drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines can cause withdrawal symptoms that last anywhere from a week to a month. In the case of opiates, withdrawal symptoms usually peak within 72 hours and then gradually subside.

Generally speaking, symptoms of withdrawal usually begin within one to three days of last using the drug, peaking between two and four days afterward.
Withdrawal timelines are also influenced by other factors:

  • Amount taken
  • Method of ingestion
  • Combining it with other substances
  • Length of drug abuse
  • Personal profile of tolerance

There are generally three stages to withdrawal timelines: 

  • Acute
  • Protracted

What to Do if Withdrawals Are Present

Now that you know how long drug withdrawal can last, it’s time to seek help.

If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from drug withdrawals then it’s imperative that you seek help immediately.  Not only are withdrawals dangerous to your health, but they can also make it difficult to recover.

If you have any serious symptoms you should call 911 and seek medical help immediately.

The best way to deal with withdrawal symptoms is by attending detox. In detox, pharmacological treatments are used to help you ease out of the drugs and treat other symptoms of withdrawal.

Elysium Healthcare is an expert in detox treatments and will be able to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Elysium today to learn about our detox and inpatient treatments. 

What Are the Symptoms of Heroin Abuse?

symptoms of heroin abuse

Heroin is known to be one of the most dangerous illicit drugs making rounds in the streets of America. Its effects can be devastating and life-threatening, leading addicts down a path of destruction with little to no power to help themselves.

Identifying the symptoms of heroin abuse can help us recognize when people around us are struggling and allow us to extend a helping hand when they need it.

Symptoms Of Heroin Abuse

Heroin acts on the user’s pain and pleasure system by taking over opioid receptors and flooding the brain with dopamine. 

The high potency of the drug causes psychological and physical dependence — making it extremely difficult for users to muster the strength they need to seek help and get sober.

Psychological Heroin Abuse Symptoms 

Addiction is considered to be a mental health disorder, developing first in the mind and then spreading its effects through the body.

Heroin is no exemption, and users may find themselves affected mainly in two areas:

  • Their behaviors
  • Their cognitive function

Behavioral Heroin Abuse Symptoms 

It is easy to identify signs of heroin abuse by pointing out odd behaviors. An addict who is under the influence of heroin may display slurred speech or other behavioral changes that may last even after an addict has sobered up.

Taking a look at an addict’s daily routine can reveal a lot about their addiction. Have their friend circles suddenly changed? Have you lost contact with your loved ones for days at a time without explanation? These behaviors can all be signs of heroin abuse.

Here are some other behavioral symptoms of heroin abuse to watch out for:

  • Involvement in crime
  • The disappearance of personal value objects
  • Bursts of anger or disturbance
  • Increased anxiety
  • Lack of care about one’s appearance
  • Change of clothes to cover needle scabs or bruises
  • Changes in mood
  • Depressive moods and loss of interest

Cognitive Heroin Abuse Symptoms 

Cognitive functioning symptoms relate to the addict’s consciousness and their ability to think and reason. As the brain is clouded by the “high,” they are more noticeable when the addict is under the influence.

A person under the influence of heroin is considered to have impaired cognitive functions. Their mind is clouded and the body is induced into massive relaxation, causing the user to drift from one consciousness. Often, it appears as if the user is drifting in and out of sleep.

Other cognitive symptoms of heroin abuse include – 


  • The inability to make sound decisions
  • Being disoriented
  • Lack of focus
  • Being impulsive
  • Talking nonsense

Physical Heroin Abuse Symptoms 

After prolonged use of heroin, the body gets used to its presence and develops tolerance to the drug’s euphoric effects. As tolerance develops, users take more and more of the drug, until the body grows dependent on it.

Physical dependency and high tolerance can be extremely dangerous for an addict as their effects can be life-threatening and lead to seizures and overdoses.

A heroin abuser is likely to lose weight and start showing physical signs of fatigue. Bruises and scabs will also appear on the body. The appearance of scabs is not only caused by injections but can also be caused by anxiety-induced skin picking.

Scabs and bruises are commonly seen in areas of intravenous access such as the arm, and fingertips.

Heroin abuse also causes the following physical symptoms of heroin abuse:

  • Dry mouth
  • Weight loss
  • Runny nose
  • Dilated pupils
  • Liver failure

Heroin Withdrawal 

There is no greater sign of substance abuse than the appearance of withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms appear when an addict has developed a physical dependence on a drug.

In the event withdrawal symptoms appear, it is important that the addict receives medical attention and undergoes detoxification immediately.

Common symptoms of opioid withdrawal include:

  • Excessive flow of tears
  • Muscle aches
  • Tremors
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Eye discomfort in bright lights
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Autonomic hyperactivity
  • Irritable moods
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Anxiety

What to Do When You Spot Heroin Abuse Symptoms

If someone you love is showing signs of heroin abuse, you must act quickly.

You may want to look out for additional evidence such as drug paraphernalia which can include needles, pipes, small zip-lock bags, or burnt aluminum paper in the trash.

If you are concerned that this may be the case, seek professional help immediately.

How to Get Help Today

If a loved one or someone you know shows signs of heroin abuse it’s important to get help.

Addiction can develop into physical dependence which could be difficult, painful, and dangerous to the user if it’s not handled adequately.

Elysium Healthcare is an expert in addiction treatments and will be able to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Elysium today, to get your loved ones the help they need.

What Are the Signs of Cocaine Use?

It can be difficult to help a loved one who we believe may be abusing drugs.

To begin with, we may have never even used drugs ourselves, which could make it extremely difficult to properly identify which drugs they are abusing.

Your ability to identify the signs of addiction to cocaine may help you support a loved one who needs your help and effectively assist them in getting treatment. 

What Is Cocaine?

Cocaine is a drug that alters the mood and behavior of an individual. It is made from the leaves of the coca plant.

The drug is extremely popular in the US, a study carried out in 2020 shows that close to five million people aged 12 and older reported using cocaine in a period of twelve months.

Being a stimulant, cocaine affects the central nervous system and creates a feeling of euphoria. It also suppresses hunger and fatigue, which are both common side effects when using the drug. Cocaine can be injected or snorted.

Once the high wears off, and it does so fairly quickly, cocaine creates strong cravings and builds tolerance, which prompts users to take more and more each time — eventually leading to addiction, withdrawals, and even death.

The good news is that we can spot cocaine addiction symptoms and signs early and help our loved ones live a healthy drug-free life.

Identifying Cocaine Addiction 

As with all drugs, cocaine addiction signs and symptoms can be observed in the body and the way a person behaves.

Physical Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction 

Physical cocaine addiction symptoms and signs appear in the body even when there is no prolonged use. Cocaine affects the brain by increasing levels of dopamine, which creates an intense feeling of pleasure and well-being. 

These changes in the chemistry of the brain extend towards the body and eventually catch up with the addict, starting to show signs of wear-off induced by the accelerated and abnormal stress induced in the body.

Common physical signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction include:

  • Upbeat and energetic
  • Sensitive to touch, light, or sound
  • Restless
  • Irritable
  • Dilated pupils
  • White powder close to the nose or in property
  • Sweats a lot
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Constant nose congestion
  • Higher body temperature and blood pressure
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Fever
  • Hearth problems
  • Chest pains
  • Headaches

Behavioral Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Addiction 

A person’s behavior always changes as they fall down the pit of addiction, and are a great way to identify signs of a cocaine addiction.

While many drugs may create similar behaviors, not all drugs will provoke the same patterns. For example, a person who abuses opiates may share addictive behaviors with other drugs such as financial troubles or secrecy. 

Yet, a person who consumes opiates may appear to be more relaxed than someone who uses a stimulant like cocaine.

A person who is on cocaine will appear to have high levels of hysteria showing signs that they don’t sleep, get ticked off really easily, and can’t seem to be able to remain still. 

Common behavioral signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction include:

  • Sleep pattern changes
  • Ignoring hygiene
  • Secrecy
  • Lying
  • Risky behavior
  • Mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Loss of interest in enjoyable activities
  • Financial problems
  • Intense cravings
  • Depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Irritability
  • Extreme laziness when they are not under the influence
  • Loss of appetite
  • Erratic behavior
  • Changes in eating patterns


How to Get Treatment

Once we have identified the signs of addiction to cocaine, then it’s time to seek professional help.


A professional may assess the addict and identify if cocaine addiction signs and symptoms are actually present, and the severity of their addiction.

If signs of a cocaine addiction are confirmed, a medical professional may suggest a detox and rehab treatment.

Elysium Healthcare is an expert in addiction treatments and will be able to assist you every step of the way. Contact Elysium today to learn more about what you can do to help your loved ones receive the treatment they need.

Is Klonopin Addictive?

Klonopin is a brand name for clonazepam, a prescription drug that falls under the category of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines, or benzo’s for their street name, are depressants that are typically used to treat seizures, anxiety, and panic disorders. Other commonly known benzos include Valium, Xanax, Halcion, and Ativan.

Being part of the same drug class, users that may be considering changing medications should wonder – How addictive is Klonopin? or, Is Klonopin addictive like Xanax?

How Does Klonopin Work?

Klonopin works in patients by lowering abnormal brain activity, making it a popular anti-seizure and panic attack medication. 

It doesn’t take long before patients also discover that Klonopin, like other depressants, produces pleasant feelings of relaxation and calmness, the latter makes Klonopin a sought-after recreational drug, which can lead patients to abuse, addiction, and unfortunately also overdose.

Asides from Klonopin’s nerve-calming effects users will also experience:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Unsteadiness
  • Problems with coordination
  • A clouded mind or difficulty thinking and remembering
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Blurred vision
  • Changes in sex drive

Is Klonopin Addictive?

Due to its ability to lower anxiety, pain, and abnormal brain activity in the brain, Klonopin can actually be employed in the treatment of addiction; however, the drug itself is also highly addictive.

For that reason, the better question to ask is – how addictive is Klonopin?

Klonopin is much stronger than its counterparts, Klonopin also tends to develop tolerance in users much quicker, which as we know ultimately ends up in user dependence. The risk intensifies with patients with developed mental health disorders, as they are likely to end up abusing substances. After the body has built dependency, it will not be able to function without it, causing life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

Because of its high potency and risk of dependency, it’s extremely important to take Klonopin only as prescribed, usually one to three tablets per day, and not for extended periods of time that may build tolerance and dependency. Always consult with your doctor first.

Is Klonopin Addictive Like Xanax?

When treating anxiety, most doctors may recommend either Klonopin or Xanax, as these are the two leading short-term anxiety medications available in the US market. But is Klonopin addictive like Xanax? Which one is the safest choice?

While all benzos are addictive, Klonopin is in fact more addictive than Xanax due to its stronger feeling of euphoria, which makes it a higher risk for dependency with prolonged use.

Klonopin Addiction in the United States

Klonopin is more often abused by opioid and cocaine users, particularly opioid users who may look to enhance their opioid-induced euphoria by inviting benzos to the party. A lethal mix that has claimed the lives of roughly 12,000 users in 2020 alone, a growing and concerning number.

Benzodiazepines use in the United States ranks high, with around 12% of adults in the US reporting having used it, that’s nearly 30 million people. A staggering number that places a high percentage of the population at risk for abuse. 

It’s then no surprise to learn that benzodiazepines have created a “shadow epidemic” in the US, as so many Americans are exposed to them.

Need Help With Benzo Addiction?

Now that we better understand how addictive Klonopin is, we are better prepared to determine if abuse may be present in ourselves or a loved one. 

If you or a loved one is showing signs of benzo addiction then it’s important to seek help. 

The best way to treat addiction to Klonopin and other benzos is by attending rehab. Dual-diagnosis patients suffering from mental disorders are particularly susceptible to the difficulties of addiction, seeking a recovery center that specializes in both is crucial for the betterment of the addict.

Elysium Healthcare is an expert in addiction treatments that can help you or your loved ones get the help they need to get better. 

Contact Elysium today, to get your loved ones the help they need.

What Does Opioid Use Look Like?

What Does Opioid Use Look Like

Opioids are a group of synthetic drugs that are related to opium, they are used as painkillers and prescribed to patients as needed. Similar to their closely related cousins, opioids can be addictive and prompt abuse. Opioid addiction is considered an epidemic in America and a serious social problem, it has claimed the lives of over 16,000 people in 2020, making up around 16% of all drug-related drugs since 1999, that year alone.

Because opioids are prescribed to patients from all walks of life, it’s very possible that even those who are not users of illegal drugs could fall victim to its claws, developing dependency and the need for rehab.

Understanding what are the signs of opioid use can help us gauge if someone we care for who is using the medication could be at risk of addiction. 

What Does Opioid Use Look Like?

Figuring out if someone is abusing opioids is not as straightforward as it would be with other drugs, particularly if the patient is taking it as a prescription. Those using opioids may be suffering from pain because of a surgery or disease, this causes an inherent moral conflict which makes it difficult for families to assess their condition and provide them with the support they need.

On the other hand, users may become addicted to opioids and seek to continue using them after their medication is no longer needed. Assessing this case may be easier as the signs and symptoms of opioid use will be noticeable.

So what are the signs of opioid use then?

When looking out for signs and symptoms two categories stand out; behaviors and physical symptoms.


People who are using opioids will exhibit several behaviors that can be noticed by those around them, they include:

  • Craving more opioids than prescribed by a doctor
  • Lying about being their pain to take more medication
  • Taking them “Just in case” or buying extra as a “backup”
  • Having mood swing which includes slashing out negatively and hostilities
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping for too long
  • “Losing” medication
  • Medication runs out too quick
  • Abnormal fatigue


Behaviors are not the only way to notice if someone we love may be abusing opioids, there are many physical signs and symptoms that could point to a problem. They include:

  • Pinpointed pupils
  • Slurred speech
  • Constantly appearing spaced-out or drowsy
  • Slower movements
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low body temperature
  • Feeling euphoric
  • Shows withdrawal symptoms

The Moral Dilemma

Family and friends can be enablers, we may feel compelled to assist our loved ones in getting more prescriptions for them or letting them go along with their addiction, it can be very difficult, particularly when there is an underlying medical issue; however, it does more harm than good and those closest to the addict must find the courage to seek help so they may get the support they need. 

You are better prepared to help now that you understand what are the signs of opioid use. Consider changes you may notice in their prescription use and make sure to always consult with a doctor before making any changes to how they take the medication.

What to Do If Signs of Opioid Use Are Present

If a loved one is showing signs of addiction you must not waste time, it’s important to contact an addiction expert as soon as possible to discuss the options available for the addict. An early catch may certainly alleviate the situation.

Elysium Healthcare is an expert in addiction treatments and will be able to assist you every step of the way.

Contact Elysium today, to get your loved ones the help they need.

What are Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms?

heroin withdrawal

Heroin is a highly addictive substance. Just a few hours after the last use, many users are eager to get their next hit. After prolonged use, users develop a tolerance to the substance and need more of it in order to feel the same high as before and even to function throughout their everyday life.

If the addict stops using heroin abruptly, they will go into withdrawal. Heroin withdrawal symptoms are severe and uncomfortable. They are painful enough that many people avoid withdrawal at all costs, and they can be dangerous. 

What exactly are the withdrawal symptoms of heroin? Read on to find out. This article will further help you understand the symptoms of withdrawal from heroin, what to expect during the process, and how treatment facilities can help. 

Understanding Heroin Withdrawal 

Before we dive into the heroin withdrawal symptoms, let’s talk about why heroin withdrawal occurs in the first place. Heroin is an addictive substance that impacts your brain chemistry. Heroin works by essentially blocking your brain from receiving pain messages. As a result, heroin is a sedative that can lessen feelings of pain, anxiety, and depression.

As you continue to use heroin, the substance alters your brain chemistry. Whenever this occurs, your tolerance increases, as does dependence on the substance. Once you are dependent on the substance, your body requires heroin to function as normal.

If an addict stops using heroin abruptly after prolonged use, their brain chemistry goes haywire in a sense. This change in chemistry results in a number of painful symptoms. As the body is getting rid of the last traces of heroin, these symptoms will peak until they eventually subside.

Heroin withdrawal normally lasts for about one week after the last dose. Symptoms will first appear 6 to 12 hours after the last dose and peak one to three days after. Symptoms normally subside after about a week, but symptoms may remain 10 days after the last use.

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms 

Heroin withdrawal symptoms can range from moderate to severe. Where you are at in the withdrawal process, how long you have been using, and how much heroin is in your system will impact the severity of the withdrawal process. The most common heroin withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle spasms
  • Increased blood pressure 
  • Increased heart rate
  • Intense cravings 
  • Agitation
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Tremors
  • Upset stomach
  • Vomiting
  • Watery eyes
  • Muscle aches
  • Depression
  • Chills

The most severe of these symptoms normally begin one day to three days after the individual’s last use. These symptoms are the most painful and dangerous.

Dangers of Withdrawing from Heroin Alone

Withdrawing from heroin is painful, uncomfortable, and sometimes dangerous. You never want to withdraw from heroin by yourself. If you withdraw by yourself, your detox will be painful and dangerous. In severe cases, withdrawing alone can lead to seizures, stroke, coma, and even death.

For most users, withdrawing alone is also ineffective. Due to the extreme symptoms of withdrawal, most individuals do not make it through the detox process and relapse instead.

Instead of detoxing by yourself, withdraw from heroin safely through medical detox. Medical detox allows you to detox from heroin safely. A medical team will be by your side to monitor vitals and make the process as comfortable as possible through management techniques

Withdrawal Safely with Elysium Healthcare 

Elysium Healthcare is a comprehensive healthcare network that can connect you with a number of rehab facilities. So that your detox is as safe and comfortable as possible, contact Elysium Healthcare today. Our team can help you find a rehab facility where you can safely detox from heroin.

What Are Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse?

What Are Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse?

Chronic alcohol abuse plagues the body in a number of ways. Substance use disorder, including alcohol use disorder, includes physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms disrupt a person’s quality of life and can impact their relationship with the ones around them.

Understanding the physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse provides you with some knowledge about the issue. If you see these symptoms in yourself or someone you love, it may be time to seek addiction treatment.

Scroll down to learn more about the physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse and how to go about finding treatment.

Understanding the Physical Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse 

As mentioned above, substance use disorders typically have three categories of symptoms: physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, and behavioral symptoms. Physical symptoms are the symptoms that directly impact a person’s physical health and body. In contrast, psychological symptoms impact a person’s mental health, while behavioral symptoms impact a person’s behaviors.

Although the physical symptoms of alcohol abuse have a close relationship with the psychological and behavioral symptoms, it’s important that individuals who suffer from substance abuse take the physical symptoms seriously since they can be lifelong.

Most Common Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism negatively impacts the body in many ways. The severity of the addiction largely impacts how severe these symptoms are. The signs and symptoms of long-term alcoholism change based on how long they have been using and if they are continuing to use.

As such, it’s important to look at warning signs, long-term physical symptoms, and withdrawal symptoms when looking at the physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse. All three categories give you a complete picture of the physical symptoms associated with alcohol abuse. 

Here is a look at each one of those categories and their respective symptoms.

Warning Signs of Alcoholism 

If you are not sure if a loved one suffers from alcoholism, there are some physical warning signs to look out for. Some of these warning signs include:

  • Sudden changes in weight 
  • Increased tolerance 
  • Blackouts 
  • Memory loss 
  • Declining health 
  • Alcohol poisoning 

Keep in mind that these are not the only warning signs to be aware of. Research behavioral and psychological symptoms and warning signs as well.

Long-Term Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse 

It’s not enough to just know the warning signs. You also have to know the long-term physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse. These are the symptoms that arise once a person has been a chronic drinker for years. Some long-term symptoms include:

  • Liver diseases 
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Stroke 
  • Alcohol poisoning 

Physical Symptoms When Withdrawing from Alcohol 

A person who suffers from alcohol use disorder likely has a high tolerance to alcohol. If they stop drinking, their body will go into withdrawal. The physical withdrawal symptoms when stopping alcohol include:

  • Irritability 
  • Depression 
  • Nausea 
  • Depression 
  • Restlessness 
  • Trouble sleeping 
  • Sweating
  • Tremors 

What to Do If You or a Loved One Shows Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse

If you or a loved one shows any of the physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse above, it’s important to act quickly. The sooner you can get into treatment, the sooner your health can improve. Given that the physical symptoms of chronic alcohol use can be lifelong, you want to stop drinking as soon as possible.

Begin Your New Life with Elysium Healthcare 

Elysium Healthcare provides luxury addiction treatment facilities in California. All of our facilities are top-rated and provide comprehensive care. With the help of Elysium Healthcare on your side, you can find a treatment facility that can help you begin your new life. Contact Elysium Healthcare today to learn more about our treatment options.