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Personalized Treatment for Young Adults

College Students

College can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life, but for some college students, it can also be the most addictive. The stress of school work, coupled with the new freedom and independence of being on your own can create a perfect storm for addiction in college.

This is a time of independence, independence from parents and teachers, and independence from the constraints of high school. It’s also a time for experimentation- experimenting with drugs, sex, and other risky behaviors. These risky behaviors can, unfortunately, have a college student end up in a nasty cycle of addiction. 

Drug addiction can be a difficult thing to overcome not just for the individual, but for the friends and family members who care about them as well. The more you know about this type of addiction, the better equipped you are to help.

By educating yourself on college students and addiction, you can take the right steps to get you, a friend, or a loved one into professional treatment. 

Introduction to College Student Addiction Treatment

Parents who worry about their kids when they go off to college are worried for very good reason. For many students, it’s their first time away from home. They are faced with new responsibilities, new freedoms, and new relationships. College is also a time when substance abuse and addiction can take hold in ways that might not have been possible before.

Students in college are at a greater risk of addiction because they are exposed to drugs, alcohol, and other addictive substances. They tend to have higher rates of binge drinking and prescription drug abuse.  Partying in college is considered to be “the norm”, so access to drugs and alcohol is easy. 

It is not uncommon for college students to party with drugs and alcohol. The most common types of drug abuse among adolescents are:

  • marijuana
  • cocaine
  • hallucinogens
  • amphetamines

Some may try these drugs while under the influence of alcohol or under peer pressure from friends. If someone is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, there are many signs that can lead you to believe that they have a problem. These signs may be physical, behavioral, or environmental.

The 6 most common signs of an addiction are:

  1. Changes in mood, appetite, and sleep.
  2. Continuing despite negative consequences.
  3. Feeling preoccupied with the substance or behavior.
  4. Losing interest in favorite leisure activities
  5. Failing performance in work and studies
  6. Suddenly getting into legal or financial problems 

A person’s body also changes drastically when they are addicted to drugs. If a person is addicted, the brain is constantly craving the substance and this can lead to physical changes in the body. Some of the physical changes that may happen include loss of appetite, weight loss, and dental problems among others.

If you notice any of the following behaviors or physical traits, your loved one may need help. College students are often very secretive about their addiction and do not want to admit they need help. The sooner they receive treatment, the more likely it is that they will recover without relapse.

Still have questions? Request a callback or give us a call today.

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College Student Drug Use Statistics

Drug use among college students is a major problem that isn’t going away anytime soon. This drug abuse problem has been around for decades and is not going away. The idea that drugs are “cool” and “fun” leads to a lot of people in college feeling pressured to try them. Some are even told that experimenting one time won’t get them addicted. 

The number of college students struggling with addiction has skyrocketed in recent years. Almost one-third of all college students will experience a psychological health issue in their lifetime and about 13% will have depression. It’s easy to feel hopeless when you’re faced with the reality that one-third of your classmates are struggling with an addiction or mental illness.

In 2012, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported that 30% of college students had used marijuana in their lifetime and 17% had used cocaine or methamphetamines. With statistics like this, it’s no wonder that drug abuse in college has become a sad phenomenon. 

This is a cause for concern as substance abuse can lead to many problems such as addiction, health issues, or even death. 

Why is College Student Addiction Common?

College students with addiction are more common than you might think. It is extremely costly to the student, their family, and their school, as well as the nation as a whole. Students with addiction often have a hard time managing school work because they have to spend valuable time recovering from or searching for drugs or alcohol. They also have a higher risk of dropping out of college due to a lack of self-care. 

College student drug addiction is extremely likely among students from 18-25 years old. They use drugs to cope with their stress, as a way to socialize, and/or for self-medication.

These students are faced with a lot of stressors, including finding new friends, managing their time and money, and earning a degree. Drugs can help them cope with the stress and pressure from parents. They may also use drugs to socialize or to self-medicate for anxiety or depression. They may feel as if there is no other solution other than drugs or alcohol. 

Alcohol and drugs are substances that can have a variety of effects on an individual. They may feel as though there is no other solution other than these substances. These substances can provide feelings of relaxation and relief from stress, but they are also addictive and can lead to life-threatening consequences.

If a student has an addiction they may need treatment from a drug rehab center in order to get back on track and achieve success in college. The student can learn healthy coping methods to manage stress by receiving professional treatment. Addiction is tough to break, but not at all impossible. 

Begin Your Journey to Recovery

From the moment you contact us, we will help you find the treatment program that best fits your individual needs – whether that is one of our programs or not. We aim to help every single person in finding their own path to lasting, sustainable recovery from substance abuse.

Our Drug and Alcohol Rehabs for College Students

Addictions can be treated with different methods. However, relapse rates are high and the journey may take some time.

Recovering from addiction as a college student means you’ll need the right treatment center that understands what you’re going through and doesn’t just see you as a dollar sign. That’s what you’ll get from our rehab facility, Elysium Healthcare. Any college students from Indiana who are struggling with addiction need a place to turn and find help. 

You can find the help you’re looking for with us.

Elysium Healthcare provides a safe and supportive environment to help college students overcome addiction. Our facility offers a comprehensive range of services from detox to outpatient treatment and sober living. Whether you’re looking for help getting clean or want to get back to your studies, Elysium Healthcare can provide the care you need.

At Elysium Healthcare, we’re a rehab center for college residents struggling with addiction and substance abuse. We offer a variety of programs such as traditional inpatient detox, outpatient detox, medical detox, sober living, and more.


There’s hope for all college students with addiction. 

Contact us today by email or call us at 844-462-8571 to get started on your or a loved one’s recovery journey! A member of our admissions staff will be with you every step of the way.

We are Committed to Your Recovery

Here at Elysium Healthcare, from the moment you make contact with our world-class admissions team, we work hard to build and establish a relationship with you and your loved ones. Whether you come to one of our programs or not, we will find you treatment options that work best for your individual needs – at no cost or obligation to choose our facilities. We believe in helping every single person in finding their own path to long-term, sustainable recovery from addiction.

We Work With Most Major Insurance

Elysium Healthcare works with most insurance providers at our facilities. Our admissions team works around-the-clock to ensure that those that need help have the access to get it. Verify your benefits and one of our treatment consultants will get back to you with more information on how you can get started.