How to Help Someone With Drug Addiction and Depression

Helping someone with a drug addiction is difficult enough. Add depression to the mix and you’ve got yourself a real  challenge. However, it’s not an impossible task, but it’s one that requires delicacy and a deep understanding of the problem and all possible solutions to it.

If you’ve been wondering how you can help your loved ones suffering from addiction and depression, or if you are seeking depression and addiction recovery then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get into it. 

Understanding Depression and Addiction Recovery

The first step in helping someone with drug addiction and depression is understanding their condition and the relationship between these two mental health disorders.

Drug addiction and depression often go hand in hand as drugs tend to affect pleasure and pain mechanisms in the brain which leads to chemical imbalances and depressive states. 

These two mental health disorders are part of a vicious cycle of deteriorating mental health by exacerbating each other. Conversely, individuals who struggle with depression may turn to drugs as a way to cope with their symptoms, which in turn aggravates depression. 

Therefore, depression and addiction recovery are only effective when both disorders are treated in parallel. Neglecting either will likely result in a relapse or a lack of progress.

Signs of Drug Addiction and Depression

If you suspect that someone you love might be struggling with addiction and depression then there are some signs you should look out for before approaching them.

Some of the signs of drug addiction and depression include::

  • Not participating in social activities
  • Neglecting hygiene
  • Having mood swings or emotional outbursts
  • Showing signs of anxiety or a frenzy
  • Changes in sleep patterns or appetite
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Attempting to take their own lives

How to Help Someone With Drug Addiction and Depression

Once you have confirmed your suspicions, the next step is to act to offer the addict help. It is possible, however, that the addict will not be as receptive as initially thought. This is normal as both addiction and depression can cloud their thinking. If that’s the case, it’s best to use different strategies to convince them to receive help for depression and addiction recovery.

Show Empathy and Understanding

Being depressed as an addict can often bring up negative feelings like shame and the need for isolation. Offering an empathetic approach and showing you understand their condition will help the addict feel comfortable with you and ultimately help you persuade them to take the right decision.

By expressing empathy and understanding, you can also create a safe space for them to open up and share their thoughts and feelings.

Approaching an addict with judgment or force might push them away and make things worse. One must also remember that depression could be a risky mental health disorder that could lead to the addict taking their own life. For this reason, it’s always best to approach them with delicacy and with the assistance of a mental health professional.

Encourage Them to Seek Professional Help

There is no substitute for bringing a professional to the table even prior to approaching them. Seeking professional help is not just an option, it’s a necessity. 

It can be extremely difficult to treat a dual diagnosis without the help of a professional. Even if the addict finds a way to stop consuming, chances are they could relapse once their depression weighs heavily on them.

Seeking professional help may involve finding a therapist or counselor who specializes in treating both addiction and depression. But the best approach is always to get in contact with a rehab center that offers treatment for co-occurring disorders.

Be Patient

The addict might unfortunately not be receptive right away. Therefore, patience and understanding are needed when dealing with their condition. 

Even if they are receptive, challenges could come along the way like relapses. Being patient and offering continued support despite setbacks is one of the best ways you can help someone who needs depression and addiction recovery.

Encourage Healthy Habits 

Finally encouraging healthy habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, can also be beneficial in supporting depression and addiction recovery.

Healthy diet and exercise are both effective ways to help someone get out of a depressive rot and into wellness. As a result, they may be able to find the moral and physical energy they need to commit to sobriety by doing these things.

Professional Help

As we mentioned earlier there is no substitute for professional help when it comes to depression and addiction recovery.

In finding professional help you will want to look for a rehab center that’s able to meet the needs of your loved ones.

Elysium Healthcare is a top-rated recovery program in the United States that offers depression and addiction recovery treatment.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your loved ones get the help they need.

Does My Wife Have a Drinking Problem?

Does My Wife Have a Drinking Problem?

Determining if your wife has a problem with alcoholism can be a conflictive judgment, attaching such a label to someone you love may feel a bit – harsh, particularly if you’ve never had any previous experience with addiction or alcoholism.

Yet, here we are, and you found this article because, perhaps, you have doubts and are asking yourself the question – is my wife an alcoholic? 

How Can Alcohol Affect Your Wife?

Data shows that over five million women in America suffer from an alcohol use disorder, a growing, and concerning number.

Women generally face higher risks than men when it comes to drinking, mainly due to biological differences. Understanding if your wife has a drinking problem is critical for her well-being and her chances of getting better before things spiral out of hand.

How to Determine if My Wife Has a Drinking Problem

Not everyone who drinks often is an alcoholic, and not everyone who drinks is a problem drinker. A habit of drinking may give off a bad impression of alcoholism and problem drinking – but let’s be clear – it’s not.

This then raises the question, if someone who drinks often is not an alcoholic should you still worry? And wonder “Is my wife an alcoholic?”

Well, the answer is not as straightforward, what characterizes you as an alcoholic is either a psychological or physiological dependence on alcohol. Put simply, an inability to stop. Nevertheless, problem drinkers without a physical dependence may still exhibit red flags which should not be ignored as these can lead to alcoholism or cause similar distress.

Confused yet? It’s OK – let’s clarify it.

5 Signs Your Wife Has a Drinking Problem

Ultimately, a recovery expert will be the one best suited to determine if there is a real problem; however, there are signs and symptoms that could signal the difference between a drinking habit and a drinking problem, which could prompt us to seek their advice.

These are some of the most common signs and symptoms that your wife may have a drinking problem:

  • She binge drinks: While drinking often is not considered problematic, drinking without the ability to stop or excessively drinking each time they pick up a glass can be a sign that there is a real problem.
  • She drinks even if it hurts the relationship: If her drinking has gotten out of hand and caused difficulties between the two of you, yet she still insists on continuing her drinking, then it’s probably a good idea to check in with a recovery expert
  • She has withdrawal symptoms: Withdrawal symptoms are the clearest sign of physical dependency in an addict. If any of the following symptoms are present when she stops drinking, then it’s time to seek medical help.


  • Hands shakes or Delirium Tremens
  • Insomnia
  • Abnormal irritability 
  • Anxiety
  • Paroxysmal sweating
  • Depression
  • Agitation
  • Headaches
  • Auditory Disturbances
  • Her life is spiraling out of control: If your wife is missing out on responsibilities because she doesn’t feel well after drinking, or her hangovers are getting the best of her then that’s a strong side that drinking has become a problem. Responsibilities are not the only thing that can be affected under this category; finances, relationships, hobbies, and life order can also be affected by problematic drinking.

  • She is making excuses: If she is constantly making up excuses to drink, and not owning up to the fact that alcohol is the cause of the chaos around her, then it’s time for her to check in on the first step of AA and end the denial.

Time to Make a Change

If after reading this article you are still wondering – is my wife an alcoholic? Then the best way to find out is by getting professional help. 

The recovery experts at Elysium Healthcare will be able to help you and your wife determine if there is a problem and how to resolve it.

Contact a recovery expert at Elysium today and find out 

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Many individuals who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction also suffer from a co-occurring mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD. This phenomenon is called a dual diagnosis. For individuals who suffer from substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental illness, dual diagnosis treatment is essential.

What is dual diagnosis treatment?

What Is Dual Diagnosis: Explained 

Dual diagnosis occurs whenever an individual suffers from both a mental disorder and a drug or alcohol problem. Dual diagnosis treatment involves treating the co-occurring illnesses alongside one another to help the person heal from all fronts. The goal of this treatment is holistic recovery and care. 

What Illnesses Often Co-Occur Alongside Addiction? 

Individuals who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction are often diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder. In fact, it is estimated that as many as 9.2 million adults have a co-occurring disorder in the United States. Some of these co-occurring disorders can include:

  • Anxiety 
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 
  • Bipolar disorder 
  • Conduct disorders 
  • Major depressive disorder 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder 
  • Schizophrenia 

This is not a comprehensive list of illnesses that may occur alongside addiction, but they are the most common.

The Relationship Between Mental Disorders and Substance Use Disorders

The fact that over 9 million adults suffer from a dual diagnosis may come as a shock to you, but it does not come as a shock to medical professionals. There is a close relationship between mental disorders and substance use disorders.

Individuals who suffer from mental disorders may look to soothe their mental turmoil with substances, resulting in a substance use disorder that requires treatment. Conversely, a substance use disorder may escalate into a mental disorder with continual use and the stress that comes with it.

Additionally, there are common risk factors that contribute to both substance use disorders and mental disorders. For example, stress, trauma, and genetics all impact a person’s susceptibility to both substance use disorders and mental disorders.

How Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Different From Other Treatments? 

Dual diagnosis treatment builds upon regular addiction treatment, but it is designed specifically for the individual. It provides the individual with medical treatment for all medical diagnoses. As such, the individual will receive medical intervention for the addiction and the co-occurring mental illness.

Dual diagnosis treatment normally begins whenever an individual fills out an intake form at a rehab facility. The intake process involves numerous questions to fully understand the person’s physical and mental state.

From there, the team will work to create a treatment plan specifically for that individual. The treatment begins with a detox. It then continues with behavioral therapies, social support, and sometimes medicines. This approach to a dual diagnosis results in holistic care that warrants optimal success.

Treatment for dual diagnosis typically extends after the initial rehab treatment. Individuals who suffer from a mental disorder will normally begin seeing a doctor regularly to ensure their mental health is maintained. They should also continue therapy or group sessions to target their addiction.

Contact Elysium Healthcare for Help 

Dual diagnosis occurs frequently among individuals who suffer from addiction. If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction and also suffers from a co-occurring illness, dual diagnosis treatment will likely be the most effective option for recovery.

Elysium Healthcare provides comprehensive recovery options for individuals who receive a dual diagnosis. Our programs are designed to help individuals from the inside out. As such, our programs are specialized based on the individual. We even provide a number of facilities to ensure you find a program that is right for your needs and preferences.

To learn more about Elysium Healthcare’s offerings, get in touch with us today.

Is Xanax Addictive?

Is Xanax Addictive?

Xanax is a common medication used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. Although Xanax can relieve pain associated with anxiety, it can cause serious problems if used in the long-term. Xanax is highly addictive, and it can cause withdrawal symptoms even after short-term use.

As such, using Xanax comes with several risks. It’s important to talk with your doctor about risk factors if they’re recommending Xanax. If you are not prescribed Xanax, you should never use it because this is prescription medicine abuse that often leads to addiction.

Why Is Xanax So Addictive?

Xanax is the prescription drug known as alprazolam in its generic form. This medication belongs to the class of benzodiazepine, sometimes referred to as benzos. Like other medicines in this class, Xanax is addictive. Why is Xanax so addictive? Xanax is incredibly addictive due to how it affects the body.

Xanax works by calming your central nervous system, which causes it to classify as a central nervous system depressant. It specifically targets neurotransmitters in your brain so that it produces a calming effect. This calming effect is why it is used to treat anxiety and panic.

This calming effect impacts the body in a number of ways. For example, it slows the heart rate and blood pressure, as well as alters body temperature regulation. At the same time, Xanax releases dopamine, which is associated with happiness and pleasure. The sedative qualities, mixed with the release of dopamine are what makes Xanax so addictive.

To make the drug more dangerous, Xanax specifically is unique because it releases small amounts of the medication over a long period of time. For this reason, Xanax creates a longer-lasting effect than other related drugs. Due to these addictive qualities, Xanax addiction often requires inpatient treatment

How Much Xanax Is Addictive?

Dependence on Xanax builds up fast. Induces can become addicted to Xanax in a relatively short amount of time. However, dependence on Xanax requires regular use. On average, individuals can become dependent on Xanax in as little as three to four weeks. For some individuals, this dependence can build quicker or longer.

The reason why dependence varies based on a person is that many factors will impact a person’s susceptibility to addiction. Some factors that will impact a person’s development of dependence on Xanax include:

  • Age when first used 
  • Frequency of use 
  • Length of use 
  • General dosage 
  • Abuse of other drugs 

Let’s look at an example. A person who suffers from severe panic attacks may have Xanax in their medicine cabinet in case of a panic attack. This individual may only take a Xanax when needed, such as every month or so. This individual is unlikely to develop a dependence since they do not use Xanax frequently or for a long period of time.

In contrast, someone else may have a general anxiety disorder and feel the need to take medication for it on a daily basis. This individual is much more likely to become addicted to Xanax because they would be taking the medication consistently over a long period of time.

Signs of Xanax Addiction 

It’s important to know the signs of Xanax addiction if you or a loved one is prescribed the medication. Xanax dependence is typically defined as a person’s tolerance to the medication. If an individual is addicted to Xanax, they will experience withdrawal symptoms upon stopping the drug, such as:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Loss of appetite
  • Behavioral changes
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sleep issues

If you or a loved one experiences these symptoms, it may be time for treatment

Get Help from Elysium Healthcare 

Now that you know how and why is Xanax so addictive, you now have the power to begin your road to recovery. Contact Elysium Healthcare if you or a loved one is suffering from Xanax addiction and seeks recovery.

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse?

Causes and risk factors of opioid abuse are varied and complex. Furthermore, the identifying signs of opioid abuse are sometimes subtle and difficult to identify.

Regardless, the first step in any addict’s recovery journey is recognizing that they have the problem. it is impossible to recognize that one has a problem without knowing the signs of opioid abuse first. To learn about the most common signs of opioid abuse, scroll down. 

Opioid Abuse Explained 

Opioids are often used for pain relief and sleep induction. Opiates confound naturally in the form of opium or morphine, but most opiates today are synthetic and derived from these substances. 

Although opiates can be helpful in the medical community, opioids are also highly addictive and create many problems after prolonged use. Prescription medications like hydrocodone and oxycodone all fall into this category, as well as street drugs like heroin.

Opioids are highly addictive for multiple reasons. Firstly, these drugs create a sense of safety and euphoria, as well as relieve pain. These are feelings that some people may become addicted to and compulsively seek out from the substance, especially if they don’t have other ways to work through the pain.

Long-term opioid use can even lead to physical dependence. Whenever an individual uses opioids for a long time, their brain is unable to naturally produce endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural response to pain. As a result, the individual is unable to regulate and manage pain as a normal person. 

Once this point is hit, the individual needs the substance to maintain the same sense of happiness and contentment as before. If the addict stops taking the substance, their body will go through a withdrawal process, which involves unpleasant symptoms and feelings. Most addicts will go to great lengths to avoid these feelings. 

Causes and Risk Factors of Opioid Abuse 

The causes and risk factors of opioid abuse are not fully understood. Research has shown that there is a genetic predisposition to opioid addiction. In other words, someone who has a parent who is an addict may be predisposed to addiction.

In addition to genetic factors, there are environmental factors that may increase the risk of opioid abuse. Early childhood trauma, overall trauma, mental disorders, and prolonged stress are all environmental factors that often lead to opioid abuse.

Physical illnesses can also be a risk factor for opioid abuse. Individuals who suffer from severe pain, such as after surgery, are more at risk of opioid abuse. Opioid use may begin innocently as a way to manage the pain, but it may escalate to addiction.

What are the Signs of Opioid Abuse? 

Opioid abuse and addiction come with many symptoms. These symptoms can be broken down into four categories: mood symptoms, physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, and behavioral symptoms.

Mood Symptoms 

  • Depressed mood
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hyperactivity

Physical Symptoms 

  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Itchy skin
  • Cramping

Physiological Symptoms 

  • Distorted perception of reality
  • Depression
  • Loss of concentration or interest
  • Mood swings 
  • Extreme behavior changes
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Anxiety

Behavior Symptoms 

  • Diminished coordination
  • Withdrawn socially
  • Slowed or slurred speech
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Stealing from loved ones and/or other illegal activities

When to Get Help 

If you notice that your loved one is experiencing the symptoms above, as well as an increased tolerance to opioids, it is time to get help. Both physical dependence and psychological addiction require medical intervention through treatment

Call Elysium Healthcare Today! 

Elysium Healthcare provides comprehensive rehabilitative services for individuals who suffer from addiction. If you or a loved one suffers from the symptoms above, call Elysium Healthcare today in order to learn more about our services and to begin the road to recovery.

Common Myths About Drug Addiction

Common Myths About Drug Addiction

Addiction comes with many misconceptions. Anyone who has suffered from an addiction knows this fact. Unfortunately, common myths about drug addiction are not just untrue. They can also be dangerous. 

If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, it’s important to bust common myths about drug addiction. By debunking these myths, you will better be able to help yourself or your loved one overcome addiction and begin living a life of recovery.

8 Common Myths About Drug Addiction

Although there are many common myths about drug addiction, here are the eight most common:

Myth: Using drugs and alcohol is a choice. 

For centuries, addiction was viewed as a choice and a moral failing. Modern science has proven this myth completely wrong. 

Using drugs and alcohol and becoming addicted is not a choice. Addiction occurs from many factors, including genetics, trauma, and other environmental influences. As such, addiction is a disease, not a choice.

Myth: Addiction deserves punishment. 

Because people of the past believed addiction was a moral failing, they also thought that it deserved punishment.

Since addiction is a disease, it does not warrant punishment. Instead, addiction should be treated as a chronic disease that deserves medical intervention and care, just like any other disease.

Myth: Addiction only affects certain types of people. 

Many individuals believe that addiction only affects certain types of people, often people outside of their own circles. This is simply not true. Addiction does not discriminate, and it affects about one in eight people in the United States.

Myth: People who have a stable job and life cannot be addicted. 

Whenever many individuals think of an addict, they think of a homeless individual who is incapable of keeping their life together. Although some addicts fall into this category, addiction impacts all individuals, including those with stable jobs and successful lives.

This myth has caused many individuals to be in denial about their addiction and reject recovery as a result. Just because an individual waits until 5:00 PM to use does not mean they are not addicted.

Myth: Prescription drugs are not as dangerous as street drugs. 

Prescription drugs are just as addictive as street drugs. As a result, addiction to prescription medication is becoming more and more of a problem. If you are not using a prescribed medicine exactly how the doctor intended, you are misusing the medication. If you need the medicine compulsively, you are addicted. 

Myth: Going to treatment will fix the problem immediately. 

Most people make the mistake of thinking that attending treatment will immediately stop their problems. This is not how addiction works. Addiction is a chronic disease that requires a lifetime of effort and work that begins with treatment

Myth: Using medication during detox is the same as switching from one addiction to another.

The detox process is painful and sometimes dangerous, which warrants medical intervention and medications. 

Using medication during the detox is not the same as switching from one illicit substance to another. These medications not only ensure that your detox is as comfortable as possible, but they can also ensure that you are not harmed during the process and that you continue on your road to recovery.

Myth: Detoxing is enough.

Some individuals think that getting clean is the only step in breaking their addiction. Addiction involves much more than physical dependence. If you do not receive the medical intervention you need to fight the addiction from all fronts after detox, you will likely relapse.

Suffering from Addiction? Call Elysium Healthcare Today! 

If you or a loved one is suffering from drug addiction, contact Elysium Healthcare for a luxurious approach to addiction treatment in California.

What is the Timeline for Opioid Detox?

Timeline for Opioid Detox

Withdrawal occurs whenever you stop taking long-term opioids. Unfortunately, opioid withdrawal is a difficult and dangerous phase during the recovery process. However, it is the first and arguably most important step in beginning your life of sobriety.

The good news is that opioid withdrawal comes in stages, which means you can know what to anticipate. Furthermore, you can detox from opioids in medical scenarios to ensure you are as safe and comfortable as possible.

Signs of Opioid Withdrawal 

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal range from mild to severe. The most common symptoms to expect include:

  • Insomnia
  • Racing heart
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Chills
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased body temperature

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms and have stopped using opioids, you are likely experiencing opioid withdrawal.

How Long Does Opioid Withdrawal Last?

How long opioid withdrawal lasts ultimately depends on the opioid in question. Certain opioids have longer withdrawal periods, whereas others have shorter duration symptoms. 

For example, short-acting opioids, such as heroin, often cause withdrawal that lasts for about a week. Long-acting opioids, such as methadone, can have withdrawal symptoms that last up to two weeks or longer. So, it’s important to consider the type of opioid in your system in order to determine how long withdrawal will last.

Opioid Detox Timeline 

To better understand opioid withdrawal, it’s a good idea to consider an opioid detox timeline. Opioid detox typically has three stages: early, peak, and late. When these stages occur depends on the individual in question and the opioid being used. Let’s take a closer look at each one of these stages, including when they occur and the symptoms.

Early Stage 

Individuals will enter into the early stage of opioid withdrawal shortly after the last use of an opioid. You can determine when the early stage will happen using the half-life of the drug. Whenever your body has eliminated half of the drug substance, you will begin craving again, which is the early stage.

Most opioids have a half-life of about a few hours. Oxycodone, for example, has a half-life between 3 and 5 hours. Methadone has a much longer half-life at 8 to 60 hours. Once the half-life has been met, symptoms of early stage opioid withdrawal will begin.

Symptoms of early stage opioid withdrawal include:

  • Cravings 
  • Anxiety 
  • Frustration 
  • Physical changes 

These symptoms will progressively get worse as time goes on.

Peak Stage 

As the opioids continue to leave your body, the symptoms will get worse until they reach the peak stage. The peak stage of opioid withdrawal is whenever symptoms are at their most severe. Most individuals undergo the peak stage between 30 and 72 hours after the last use.

During the peak stage, expect symptoms to be very severe. Some common symptoms include:

  • Flu-like symptoms 
  • Mood changes 
  • Intense cravings 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Constipation 
  • Rapid heart rate 
  • Changes in blood pressure 
  • Feeling hot or cold 
  • Sweating 

These symptoms will be incredibly powerful during the peak, which is why it’s important to get medical care when undergoing detox for these symptoms.

Late Stage 

The late stage occurs after the peak stage. It is whenever the symptoms begin to subside. The late stage reflects the early stage, but you are getting better. Late stage withdrawal typically happens 5 to 10 days after your last use, but the stage may not begin after the 2 week period for long-acting opioids.

Detox Safely with Elysium Healthcare

Opioid withdrawal is incre

Withdrawal occurs whenever you stop taking long-term opioids. Unfortunately, opioid withdrawal is a difficult and dangerous phase during the recovery process. However, it is the first and arguably most important step in beginning your life of sobriety.

The good news is that opioid withdrawal comes in stages, which means you can know what to anticipate. Furthermore, you can detox from opioids in medical scenarios to ensure you are as safe and comfortable as possible.

Signs of Opioid Withdrawal 

Symptoms of opioid withdrawal range from mild to severe. The most common symptoms to expect include:

  • Insomnia
  • Racing heart
  • High blood pressure
  • Muscle and bone pain
  • Chills
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased body temperature

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms and have stopped using opioids, you are likely experiencing opioid withdrawal.

How Long Does Opioid Withdrawal Last?

How long opioid withdrawal lasts ultimately depends on the opioid in question. Certain opioids have longer withdrawal periods, whereas others have shorter duration symptoms. 

For example, short-acting opioids, such as heroin, often cause withdrawal that lasts for about a week. Long-acting opioids, such as methadone, can have withdrawal symptoms that last up to two weeks or longer. So, it’s important to consider the type of opioid in your system in order to determine how long withdrawal will last.

Opioid Detox Timeline 

To better understand opioid withdrawal, it’s a good idea to consider an opioid detox timeline. Opioid detox typically has three stages: early, peak, and late. When these stages occur depends on the individual in question and the opioid being used. Let’s take a closer look at each one of these stages, including when they occur and the symptoms.

Early Stage 

Individuals will enter into the early stage of opioid withdrawal shortly after the last use of an opioid. You can determine when the early stage will happen using the half-life of the drug. Whenever your body has eliminated half of the drug substance, you will begin craving again, which is the early stage.

Most opioids have a half-life of about a few hours. Oxycodone, for example, has a half-life between 3 and 5 hours. Methadone has a much longer half-life at 8 to 60 hours. Once the half-life has been met, symptoms of early stage opioid withdrawal will begin.

Symptoms of early stage opioid withdrawal include:

  • Cravings 
  • Anxiety 
  • Frustration 
  • Physical changes 

These symptoms will progressively get worse as time goes on.

Peak Stage 

As the opioids continue to leave your body, the symptoms will get worse until they reach the peak stage. The peak stage of opioid withdrawal is whenever symptoms are at their most severe. Most individuals undergo the peak stage between 30 and 72 hours after the last use.

During the peak stage, expect symptoms to be very severe. Some common symptoms include:

  • Flu-like symptoms 
  • Mood changes 
  • Intense cravings 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Constipation 
  • Rapid heart rate 
  • Changes in blood pressure 
  • Feeling hot or cold 
  • Sweating 

These symptoms will be incredibly powerful during the peak, which is why it’s important to get medical care when undergoing detox for these symptoms.

Late Stage 

The late stage occurs after the peak stage. It is whenever the symptoms begin to subside. The late stage reflects the early stage, but you are getting better. Late stage withdrawal typically happens 5 to 10 days after your last use, but the stage may not begin after the 2 week period for long-acting opioids.

Detox Safely with Elysium Healthcare

Opioid withdrawal is incredibly difficult and painful. Not to mention, is sometimes dangerous due to the severity of the symptoms. Make sure today to detox safely with the help of the professionals at Elysium Healthcare. Contact Elysium Healthcare today to learn more about our medical detox programs.

dibly difficult and painful. Not to mention, is sometimes dangerous due to the severity of the symptoms. Make sure today to detox safely with the help of the professionals at Elysium Healthcare. Contact Elysium Healthcare today to learn more about our medical detox programs.

What is Considered Aftercare in Addiction Treatment?

ftercare in Addiction Treatment

Detoxing or getting clean for the first time is a difficult part of the recovery process. However, most recovering addicts agree that what happens after the initial treatment is much more difficult than the initial treatment itself.

Once you get back to your old life, you have to fight the temptations that caused the addiction in the first place. Without the right resources and tools, you could quickly find yourself slipping back into the same habits as before. That is where aftercare in addiction treatment comes into play.

The goal of addiction treatment aftercare is to provide newly recovered addicts with a treatment plan so that they stay sober, even after leaving the facility. That way, individuals can fight initial relapse and continue meeting their recovery goals.

What Is Aftercare in Addiction Treatment? 

Achieving sobriety for the first time is a huge deal, but addiction doesn’t stop whenever the withdrawals do. Aftercare is essential in maintaining your sober living. Without proper aftercare in addiction treatment, you could find yourself relapsing again.

With aftercare addiction treatment, you’ll receive resources so you can continue living a sober life, even after you leave your initial treatment facility. Individuals who receive aftercare in addiction treatment tend to have lower relapse rates as a result.

What Does Aftercare in Addiction Treatment Entail? 

There are different types of addiction treatment aftercare. It’s important that you select aftercare in addiction treatment that is specific to your needs and lifestyle.

For individuals with severe addiction, you may be recommended to live in a sober living community. Sober living communities ensure you are in a sober environment, but you still have resources and are living your life as normal.

There are less intensive aftercare programs as well. For example, you can attend 12-step or anonymous settings so you can retain your support system, even while going about your everyday life. You could also attend personal or group therapy sessions offered through outpatient services. 

With Elysium Healthcare, our doctors will work closely with you to create an aftercare plan specific to your needs. We offer sober living communities, but we also offer different outpatient therapy sessions so that our patients can continue living sober, even after their initial sobriety has been reached.

Who Needs Aftercare in Addiction Treatment?

Substance abuse disorder is a serious problem in the United States. It is estimated that 10% of the US adult population struggles with this disorder. More worrisome is the fact that as much as 60% of individuals who reach sobriety end up relapsing.

Because the statistics concerning relapse are so staggering, anyone who undergoes addiction treatment should seek aftercare as well. Studies have found that individuals who undergo aftercare in addiction treatment are less likely to relapse in the first place.

What this means for you is that everyone who undergoes addiction treatment needs aftercare. It’s important to talk to your doctor in order to create an aftercare treatment plan that is specific for your lifestyle, needs, and goals.

Stay Sober with Elysium Healthcare 

If you or a loved one has undergone addiction treatment, it’s imperative to also seek out aftercare in addiction treatment. Aftercare can help individuals stay sober after the initial sobriety. In fact, studies show that individuals who undergo aftercare are less likely to relapse than those who do not.Elysium Healthcare offers aftercare in addiction treatment. We offer various aftercare plans, including outpatient services, sober living communities, and other resources. If you are interested in our aftercare programs, contact Elysium Healthcare today. We will be happy to work with you to come up with a plan to help you stay sober.

What is a Relapse Prevention Program?

Relapse Prevention Program

Recognizing that you need help and getting that helped for the first time is only half the battle. After you get the initial treatment you need to begin your life with sobriety, you also have to continue fighting for the new life you have worked hard to create. For many recovering addicts, what happens after they leave the facility is the toughest challenge of all. 

Comprehensive addiction treatment should always include some sort of relapse prevention program. Relapse prevention helps you to stay on the road to sobriety, even after you leave your sober living facilities. Without a relapse prevention program, it can be difficult to continue living soberly after you leave the facility.

The Possibility of Relapse

Many individuals who fight for sobriety believe that they will continue on the right road after returning home. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many addicts. Some studies have suggested that only about 30% of addicts do not relapse after leaving the facility. In other words, the vast majority of addicts relapse after their initial treatment at least once. 

Because the possibility of relapse is so high, it’s always important to be prepared in advance. Even if you believe that relapse will not happen, you always want to have a relapse prevention plan to keep you living the life you’ve worked hard for.

What is a Relapse Prevention Program? 

A relapse prevention program is a program designed to help newly recovered addicts stay sober. Relapse prevention programs are typically tailored to the individual to ensure each person gets the treatment and care they need for their unique situation. Recovering addicts will work c loosely with their doctors to create a plan for them. 

What’s Included in a Relapse Prevention Program? 

Relapse prevention programs include various techniques and methods to help individuals stay on the course of sobriety. Some examples of treatments included in relapse prevention programs include group therapy, individual therapy, and sober living homes.

Sober living homes are typically the first step in relapse prevention. These homes are designed for individuals who have finished their course in residential inpatient care, but still want to live in a sober community. With sober living homes, you will be in a sober environment and find support in other individuals like yourself.

Once you’ve moved out of sober living homes, you can still participate in certain relapse prevention programs, such as therapy or group therapy. The idea behind these programs is to help you have the resources you need to stay sober, even when you are living your normal life again.

Is a Relapse Prevention Program Right For Me?

Relapse prevention programs are right for anyone who has struggled with addiction in the past and is now beginning to live a life of sobriety. In other words, everyone who has fought to have a sober life should get involved in a relapse prevention program.

Even if you feel that you will not be tempted to relapse, it’s still a good idea to enroll in a relapse prevention program. Because the chances of relapse are so high, having a prevention program can ensure you continue living your sober life.

Elysium Healthcare provides relapse prevention programs for individuals who have suffered from addiction in the past but who now want to live a sober life. With our prevention programs, you can continue living sober and get the help you need to avoid falling back into the same habits as before.

If you are interested in learning more about what is a relapse prevention program or if a relapse prevention program is right for you, contact Elysium Healthcare today. Our experienced and compassionate staff are happy to work with you to determine if our sober living homes or relapse prevention programs are right for you.

How to Find the Drug Rehab Facility That is Best for Me?

Your journey to sobriety is going to be a tough one, but it is something that is necessary if you want to live the life you’ve always been striving for. To ensure you have the best recovery process possible, it’s imperative to find a top drug rehab facility that is great for you.

Knowing how to find a drug rehab facility that’s right for you can be difficult, though, especially if you’ve never done so before. The good news is that you are not alone. Below, learn how to find a good drug rehab facility based on your goals and independent factors.

How To Find A Drug Rehab Facility That’s Right For You 

In order to find a drug rehab facility that’s right for you, it’s important that you understand your goals and select a treatment location that is specific to your needs. Here are the three steps you need to take to select a rehab facility that’s ideal for your needs:

Step 1: Decide On Your Goals 

Before you get started researching rehab locations, decide what your rehab goals and needs are. Do you need dual diagnosis treatment? Is your initial goal only to get through detox safely? Knowing your goals beforehand can help you select the best treatment center in order to accomplish these goals.

Step 2: Explore Different Treatment Locations 

Once you know what your goals are, begin exploring different treatment locations. There are treatment locations all around the nation. Specifically, look for locations that can help you accomplish the goals you set from step one.

Step 3: Talk To Treatment Providers 

Once you have a list of locations you are interested in, begin talking to treatment providers. The providers will give you a better feel of the program and help you select a program based on your unique personality.

How To Find A Good Drug Rehab Facility: Factors To Consider 

During the three steps above, there are some independent factors you should consider. These factors will help you to discern a good treatment program from a bad one. Here are the three factors you need to consider during the research phases:

Comprehensive Treatment Options 

Addiction is complex and requires different treatment options. Some comprehensive treatment options to look for include medical detox, inpatient services, outpatient services, relapse prevention programs, and dual diagnosis treatment. Selecting a facility with comprehensive treatment options ensures you will have the resources you need to have a safe and effective recovery.


Some facilities have specific specialties that can ensure you have the most successful recovery possible. For example, there are some LGBTQ facilities, as well as dual diagnosis-specific facilities. Look for facilities that have specialties that match your unique needs.


Lastly, check out the amenities that the facility has, especially if you intend to invest in inpatient services. Amenities include housing, workout facilities, and other activities you can participate in. The amenities will make your stay more enjoyable and more successful.

Get Started On Your Road to Sobriety Today 

To get started on your road to sobriety today, begin looking for a rehab facility that is tailored to your needs. Elysium Healthcare will be happy to walk with you through the entire process. 

Elysium Healthcare is a top rehab facility in California. We provide comprehensive treatment options for many individuals. Whether you need help with medical detox or need help staying in a sober living facility, Elysium Healthcare has options for you. To learn more about Elysium Healthcare and the services we provide, get in touch with us today to speak with a treatment provider confidentially.